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Richard's Pipit

Anthus richardi (Vieillot, 1818)

Степной конёк

Taskent region, Mayskiy
© Luiza Mardonova


Adult Richard's Pipits in breeding plumage have greyish-buff upperparts with broad dark-brownish centers of feathers of back and head. Supercillium is pale-buff, ear coverts are brownish-buff. Underparts are white buffy tinged on body flanks and craw, which is dark-brownish mottled. Flight feathers and their coverts are brownish with pale edges. Central pair of tail feathers is brownish with pale-buff edges, other ones are dark-brownish but two outer pairs are with much white. Upper mandible is dark-brownish, lower one is greyish-buff dark tipped. Legs and claws are pale-brownish. In fresh plumage after autumn moulting birds have rusty- of yellowish-buff edges of feathers especially on breast, flanks, wings and back. Juveniles are dark-brownish above with pale-buff edges on feathers of head, neck, back and uppertail. Underparts are off white pale-buff tinged on flanks and craw which is black-brown mottled. Throat is white, pale supercillium is not well expressed. Bill is brownish with paler low mandible. Legs and claws are pale-brown. Sizes: wing 85-99, tail 78-87, tarsus 29-33, bill 12-15 mm. Weight 27-37 gr.


"Птицы Казахстана" том 3. "Наука". Алма-Ата, 1970.


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Анна Ясько: Бормотушка. Похожа на северную из-за явной светлой брови и темной вершины клюва.


John Pilgrim: Looks like a Terek Sandpiper to me...


Игорь Фефелов: Во всяком случае, одно из двух морские голубки или озерные чайки. Больше похоже на озерную, но непонятно, не "зашкурена" ли голова шумами вместо [....]

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