
basic information

Cetti’s Warbler

Cettia cetti (Temminck, 1820)

Соловьиная широкохвостка

© Andrey Ojegov


The Cetti's Warbler is less than Sparrow. The upperparts are olive-brown; underparts are brownish, abdomen is dirty-white. It resembles Reed Warblers by the image and behavior, but has more heavy constitution and the broad rounded tail which often is cocked. It is distinguished from the Nightingale by the broad tail and expressed but not bright supercilium. The bill is rosy-brownish, the base of lower mandible is yellow. Both sexes are similar. The autumn fresh plumage is same but upperparts are brighter, more buffy; underparts are greyer. Juveniles are similar on adults but the first plumage is softer with slightly expressed light mottles on upperparts; the flanks of the upper mandible are yellow (on adults upper mandible is all dark). The wings form: first primary is broad and long, longer than coverts more than 10 mm; the 4th and 5th primaries are longest of all. Weigh 11-19 grams, length about 14, wing 5,9-6,9, wingspan 15-19 mm.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Урала, Приуралья и Западной Сибири". Екатеринбург, Изд-во Уральского университета, 2000.


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