
basic information

Sykes's Warbler

Iduna rama (Sykes, 1832)

Южная бормотушка

© Sveta Ashby


The Syke's Warbler has buffy-brownish grey tinged upperparts and buffy-whitish underparts. Legs are pale-pinkish. It is resemble the Booted Warbler of which was formerly treated as subspecies. In comparison with the Booted Warbler the Syke's Warbler is slightly larger; has greyer upperparts, paler underparts, longer tail and longer bill. The rate of tail's length on length of wing on the Booted Warbler is never more than 0.82 (usually less than 0.80) but on the Syke's Warbler it is more. The bill length of the Booted Warbler (calligata subspecies) is 12.9-14.5 mm; of the Syke's Warbler it is 14.8-16.3 mm. The most specific features of the Syke's Warbler are long bill and slightly flattened forehead.



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Анна Ясько: Бормотушка. Похожа на северную из-за явной светлой брови и темной вершины клюва.


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