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© Bakhtiyor Mardonov
Male Tit-Warbler in breeding plumage have rusty-chestnut violet tinged crown. Forehead and supercilliums are pale-white. Head-flanks and neck-flanks are brownish-grey violet tinged. Mantle is brownish-grey; rump and uppertail are bright violet-blue. Throat, breast, flanks and undertail are reddish-brown with heavy violet tinge. Belly is pale-buffy. Flight feathers and upperwing coverts are dark-brown with narrow grey-blue edges of outer webs of primaries and rusty edges of outer secondaries. Tail brownish-black with bluish- violet edges; exclude two outer pairs which are slightly paler than other and have off-white outer webs. Eyes are red, bill and claws are black, legs are black-brown. Female is dimmer than male; it has rusty crown; forehead and supercilliums are even slightly pale than background parts. On rump and uppertail the violet-blue color is less, brown on back is more intensive than in male. Underparts are buffy-grey; violet-rusty tones are kept on flanks only; undertail is rusty. Tail and flight feathers don't have bluish edges. In fresh autumn plumage male's upperparts have sandy tone, underparts are purple. Autumn females are slightly dimmer than in spring. Juveniles are colored as adults but some dimmer. Gender dimorphism on juveniles is well expressed too. Sizes: wing 48-53 mm. Weight: 6.3 - 8.3 gr.
"Птицы Казахстана" том 4. "Наука". Алма-Ата, 1972.