
basic information

Steppe Grey Shrike

Lanius pallidirostris (Cassin, 1852)

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Southern Kyzylkum Bukhara region
© Anna Danilova


The Steppe Grey Shrike formerly was treated as subspecies of Great Grey Shrike and is very resemble it. From Great Grey Shrike it differs by the less contrast colors, by the buffy tinge of upper and underparts; the black mask is faint before the eyes. On males the upperparts are pale-grey, sometimes with pale-buffy tinge. The forehead is usually without white or rarely with slightly whitish on the base of upper mandible. The white supercilium is well expressed especially behind the eye. The white on the primaries and secondaries is well extensive and forms the large white speculum on the wing. The bases of central pair of tail feathers usually are black without white. The uppertail coverts are usually pale-grey. Underparts are white buffy tinged but without dark pattern.



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Анна Ясько: Бормотушка. Похожа на северную из-за явной светлой брови и темной вершины клюва.


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