
basic information

Oriental Honey Buzzard

Pernis ptilorhynchus (Temminck, 1821)

Хохлатый осоед

Rezaksay vdhr
© Vyacheslav Yusupov


Oriental (Crested) Honey Buzzard is very similar on Eurasian Honey Buzzard but quite larger than it. Coloration is very variable too, from dark-brownish to pale-buffy. The elongated feathers of nape formed little tipped crest, but not at all birds. Distinctive character is dark shoe-shaped spot on the fore-neck, but it is noted not on all of birds especially from afar. The pale throat often with longitudinal strip. Tail of male is usually with two dark broad bands. Tail of female and juvenile is with dense across bars. Eyes of female are yellow, eyes of male are cherry-red, bill wattle is dark-grey on adults and yellow on juveniles. Underwings are barred such as ones on Eurasian Honey Buzzard but without dark carpal patch or it is slightly expressed. Underwings of the birds of dark morph are all dark. Weight 750-1500 gr, length about 60-65, wing 40.5-49.5, wingspan about 150-170 cm.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Урала, Приуралья и Западной Сибири". Екатеринбург. Изд-во Уральского университета, 2000. "Птицы Казахстана" том 2. Алма-Ата, 1962.


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Анна Ясько: Бормотушка. Похожа на северную из-за явной светлой брови и темной вершины клюва.


John Pilgrim: Looks like a Terek Sandpiper to me...


Игорь Фефелов: Во всяком случае, одно из двух морские голубки или озерные чайки. Больше похоже на озерную, но непонятно, не "зашкурена" ли голова шумами вместо [....]

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